Using Smart NgRX CRUD Support Create (Add) a Row

Create (Add) a Row

By now, you should be familiar with the structure of SmartNgRX rows. A row can have zero or more children. The children are represented by an ArrayProxy object. To add a child row, you need to first call the ArrayProxy's addToStore method, which you can access from the SmartArray interface, passing it a dummy row you want to add, including a unique ID. This will add the row to the store and the ID to the array.

Sample code from the demo app:

addChild(row: DepartmentChild, parent: TreeNode): void {
  if (parent.isExpanded === false) {

  parent.node.children.addToStore!(row, parent.node);

At this point, the row is in the store, and you can edit it like you would edit an already existing row. The only difference is that the row is not yet on the server.

To save the row to the server, you update the row in the same way you would update any other row. The system is smart enough to know that the row is new and will ultimately call the add method in the corresponding EffectService.

To remove a row that has not been saved to the server yet, you would call the ArrayProxy's removeFromStore method. This will remove the row from the store and the ID from the array.

Storing to the Server

Once again, SmartNgRX ends up calling your EffectService class to store the data to the server.

override add(row: DepartmentChild): Observable<DepartmentChild[]> {
  return<DepartmentChild[]>(this.apiDepartments, row);